Do you dream about an opportunity to get involved with research and to go out on a date with science? I hope your response is yes, because on September 30, from 17.00 to 22.00 in Trento, on the streets of the old town, the initiative "Research go in the City", is waiting for you, with opportunities to meet with researchers from the University of the studies in Trento, the Bruno Kessler Fondation, the Edmund Mach Foundation and MUSE.

The initiative takes place during the year between the years of the Researchers' Night in Trento , which happens every two years, and its purpose is to keep alive the relationships between the city and the research world.

The protagonists of this event will be researcher, who will share with their studies and their findings with all the present people, getting them actively involved.

The aim is to provide citizens with an opportunity to engage in informal interections with researchers and scientists, to speak about the results of their activities, the passion that animates them, the motivations that inspire them and the method that are applied by them in their work.

Among the proposals, there will be coffee and scientific aperitifs in a bar and dinner with aresearcher, urban trekking – several tours to discover the search strolling in the city – and many other initiatives that will engage citizens with researchers on practical issues and daily life. The event will also involve the world of school and young generation, with short flash meetings and talks.

The final program will be presented in its complete form in early September.

Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to meet with science.

Information and updates on the relevant page: http://events.unitn.it/laricercavaincitta

It will also be possible to prepare for the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nottericercatori

and Twitter: http://twitter.com/NotteRicercaTN