Quarantine Radio – 9th Episode

voices from quarantine

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Quarantine Radio - 9th Episode

Fa parte della serie

In this 9th Episode of QuarantineRadio we've heard:

– The voice of our students: Molly the doggo tells us how dogs are living their quarantine

–  Niccolò Pedelini and Angelica Beccari reading the intro of 1984 by George Orwell

– news provided by Federica Mazzanti from Sanbaradio

– Do you know which are the best hits recently released? We do and we've talked about it

– the contribution of the opera: Simona De Falco and Maria Laura Frigotto, concerning the psychological support the opera can offer to students.


You can get in touch with us and send us your voice messages to tell us how you're living your quarantine! If you're an association and want to collaborate with us, you can contact us at info@sanbaradio.it