Quarantine Radio – 16th Episode

voices from the quarantine

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Quarantine Radio - 16th Episode

Fa parte della serie

In this 16th Episode of QuarantineRadio we've heard:

– The voice of our students: Tommo telling us how she's living her quarantine

Cristina Galvagni performing a short story she wrote herself for AdR – Ateneo dei Racconti

– news provided by Simone Casciano from the newswroom of Sanbaradio

– Today we felt like give some more suggestions on how to behave during quarantine because of the latest DPCM of President Conte

– the voice of the opera: Marianna from the Mediation office of the opera universitaria


You can get in touch with us and send us your voice messages to tell us how you're living your quarantine! If you're an association and want to collaborate with us, you can contact us at info@sanbaradio.it