by Elena Khaliman
The AlmaLaurea Report on graduate employment, which involved about 400 thousand graduates at the national Italian level, confirmed that an overall employment picture reveals difficulties for young people in general, and even for university graduates.
We focus on data concerning our university, in order to understand what awaits us in the future. There were 3,521 graduates in 2015 from the University of Trento involved in the Rapport. From them, 1,943 were Bachelor students, 1,221 Master's students and 338 were single-cycle degree students; the rest were pre-reform graduates of the course or not reformed in Primary Education.
The average age at graduation is lower than the national average (25.7 compared to 26.2). The average duration of study is 4 years. This figure is also lower than the national average that reaches about 4.4 years.
The percentage of the graduates in progress is higher than the national average (57.4% compared to 46.7%).
The average rating is about 100.9 out of 110; in particular, 98.0 for Bachelor graduates and 105.4 for Master graduates.
33% of graduates have benefited from a student scholarship compared to the national average of 22.1% and 74.5% maintained a regular frequency of the lessons for at least three quarters of the planned program of study, this percentage is 6,5% higher than the national average.
The overall share of graduates having a foreign citizenship is 8.3%, a figure that places the University of Trento well above the national average – which stood at 3.4%. The figure is even more relevant when analyzing only the degree courses, where our graduates of a foreign nationality reach a 15.6% compared to 4.3% of the national average.
Study abroad experiences involve a total of 17.4% of graduates, compared to the national average of 12.2%.
70.6% of graduates have been employed during their university studies, compared to 65.1% of the national average.
The full text of the eighteenth Report can be found here
The information is taken from the site